Rubiks Maths for GCSE Revision

We’ve just finished work on updating the Rubik’s maths service so that it acts as a direct, complete GCSE revision tutor. The centrepiece is a neatly arranged assessment and practice system for National Curriculum Maths. A smart space theme is used for the navigation … choose the Planet (e.g. Algebra), then the Continent (e.g. sequences) to find a nice self marking, auto updating, flash based assessment package. If you make mistakes there are web links and video resources to give your practice opportunities (and, if you have a MyMaths licence, links to these resources).

For the individual user the big issue is the price … a licence for the year you will want it to help with your GCSEs is only £10. Go to and click the individual sign up button. Enter your details and then follow the link to the Maths Zone for the payment page. We then send out your log in details and you are ready to go.

For schools, there is a complete back end VLE with live statistics, which makes for a great lesson watching as students work in progress keeps updating on the IWB. Student lists are entered from an Excel sheet (which we’ll do for you if you like) and teachers associated with classes assigned through the back-end. What makes it a full VLE is that you can add to the resources available by personalising the course. Add your own departments resources and materials, so that the students follow your course. Schools can sign up and get their first six months for free, to get you set up and see if it works for you. You are welcome to as much help as you need to get going. Just ask. Go to and click the schools sign up button and we’ll get back to you.

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