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Milk Delivery Problem



This part is for you to read.

Before buying its new computer, the dairy kept its records like this:

House Number Mon Wed Fri Week-end Total Cost







12 ´ 32p = £3.84







7 ´ 32p = £2.24







16 ´ 32p = £5.12







13 ´ 32p = £4.16

Notice that 1 pint of milk costs 32p.

The dairy could use a spreadsheet to keep records like this.

The spreadsheet would work out the total and the cost automatically.

If someone changed their order the spreadsheet would up-date the calculations.

This part tells you what to do.

You are going to make the spreadsheet for the dairy.

1. Type House Number into the cell A1.

2. Type Mon, Wed, Fri, Week-end, Total and Cost in cells B1 to G1.

3. Type in all of the numbers except for the Total column and the Cost column.

4. Click in cell F2 (the first line in the Total column).

Type =

Click in cell B2 (the first line in the Mon column).

Type +

Click in cell C2 (the first line in the Wed column).

Type +

Click in cell D2 (the first line in the Fri column).

Type +

Click in cell E2 (the first line in the Week-end column).

Click on the

5. Click in cell F2 and drag down to cell F5.

6. Bring down the Edit menu and choose Fill Down.

7. Click in cell G2 (the first cell in the Cost column).

Type =

Click in cell F2.

Type *0.32

Click on the

8. Click in cell G2 and drag down to cell G5.

9. Bring down the Edit menu and choose Fill Down.

....... Now Turn Over ........

Now Read This

In the total column you told the spreadsheet to add up the 4 numbers that said how much milk is delivered. You did not type in the number.

But the number appears in the spreadsheet.

In fact, the Total column and the Cost column should have all of the numbers showing correctly.

Now we can change some of the numbers to see the spreadsheet automatically up-date the Total and the Cost.

Now Do This

The family who live at house number 13 change their Wednesday order to 4 pints.

Change that entry in the spreadsheet.

Write down their new Total and their new Cost.

Now make these changes and write down the new Total and the new Cost.

1. The family at number 13 change their week-end order to 6 pints.

2. The family at number 13 change their Monday order to 4 pints.

3. The family at number 19 change their Friday order to 3 pints.

4. The family at number 19 change their week-end order to 5 pints.

5. The family at number 25 change their Monday order to 5 pints and their Friday order to 4 pints.

6. The family at number 25 change their Wenesday order to 5 pints and their Week-end order to 7 pints.

7. The family at number 32 doubles each days order.

* Challenges *

8. The price of milk goes up to 34p

9. The dairy charges 10p delivery charge added to the Cost.

10. A new family at house number 40 orders 2 pints on Monday, 3 pints on Wednesday, 3 pints of Friday and 5 pints at the Week-end.